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Best Peels Treatment

Chemical Peel

What are chemical peels?

Chemical peels are cosmetic treatments that can be applied to the face, hands, and neck. They’re used to improve the appearance or feel of the skin. During this procedure, chemical solutions will be applied to the area being treated, which causes the skin to exfoliate and eventually peel off. Once this happens, the new skin underneath is often smoother, appears less wrinkled, and may have less damage.

How is a chemical peel done?

Chemical peels are typically done in-office, deep peels may be done in an outpatient surgical facility. Before the procedure, they will likely have you tie back your hair. Your face will be cleaned, and eye protection like goggles or gauze may be applied.
Your doctor may numb the area with a topical anesthetic, especially if you’re receiving a deep peel. For deep peels, your doctor may also use a regional anesthetic, which will numb large areas.
Light peel: During a light peel a cotton ball, gauze, or brush will be used to apply a chemical solution like salicylic acid to the area being treated. The skin will start to whiten, and may have a slight stinging sensation. Once complete, the chemical solution will be removed or a neutralizing solution will be added.
Medium peel: This may contain glycolic acid or trichloroacetic acid. A blue color may be added to the trichloroacetic acid, commonly known as a blue peel. The skin will begin to whiten, and your doctor will apply a cool compress to the skin. You may feel stinging or burning for up to 20 minutes.
Deep peel: During a deep chemical peel, you will be sedated. The doctor will use a cotton-tipped applicator to apply phenol to your skin. This will turn your skin white or gray. The procedure will be done in 15-minute portions, to limit the skin exposure to the acid.

How do you do a chemical peel?

Chemical peeling is a painless procedure that requires about 15-20 minutes in the clinic. We first clean the area which we want to treat. Then we apply the peel cocktail solution on the skin. We have to leave this solution on the skin for a certain amount of time.
During this you will experience a slight tingling sensation. After the required time is complete, we wipe off the solution. Then we apply a moisturizer or sunscreen on the skin.

What does chemical peeling treatment do?

Skin peeling treatments encourage the skin cell cycle to become healthy. They exfoliate the damaged skin quickly and encourage healthier new skin to resurface.
Depending on the ingredients used, chemical peels can have very specific or rather broad spectrum actions. They can act on the melanocytes to decrease melanin production in pigmentation treatment.
While in acne treatment they act on the sebaceous glands to decrease oil production. They may have a comedolytic, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory action.

Are chemical peels painful?

Chemical peeling is a completely painless procedure. We apply the peel solution on the skin only for 1 to 5 minutes. This application may cause some tingling sensation, similar to the application of lemon juice on the skin. Once we wipe off the solution, you feel completely normal.